1. Start
  2. Files & Directories
  3. Structure
  4. CSS Structure
  5. Shortcode
  6. Credits

Recipes Food - Food & Restaurant Template

Thank you for purchasing my template. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to use my contact here. Thanks so much!

Files & Directories

Includes bootstrap and fontello files and font-awesome files and elegant_font files and icomoon files
and you will find 51+ files and Support RTL - arabic (51+ files html)
  1. single-checkalso.html (The single blog checkalso page) new v 3.8
  2. single-checkalso-right.html (The single blog checkalso page) new v 3.8
  3. reading-position-indicator.html (The single blog reading indicator page) new v 3.8
  4. index.html (The homepage example) update v 2.5
  5. index-2.html (The homepage example) new v 2.0
  6. index-3.html (The homepage example) new v 2.0
  7. index-4.html (The homepage example) new v 2.0
  8. index-5.html (The homepage example) new v 2.5
  9. index-revslider-2.html (The Revolution Slider 2 example) new v 2.5
  10. index-revslider-3.html (The Revolution Slider 3 example) new v 2.5
  11. index-revslider-4.html (The Revolution Slider 4 example) new v 2.5
  12. footer-1.html (The Footer Styles example) new v 2.0
  13. index-boxed.html (The homepage boxed example) new v 2.0
  14. Pricing.html (The Pricing example) new v 2.0
  15. topreview.html (The page top review example) new v 3.0
  16. reviewstyle.html (The review style example) new v 3.0
  17. recipes.html (The recipes page)
  18. videos.html (The videos page)
  19. books.html (The books page)
  20. chefs.html (The chefs page)
  21. community.html (The community page)
  22. create-recipes.html ( The Create Recipe ) new v 2.6
  23. single-recipes.html (The single recipes page )
  24. single-video.html (The single video page )
  25. single-book.html (The single book page )
  26. single-chef.html (The single chef page )
  27. single-forum.html (The single forum page )
  28. single-topic.html (The single topic page )
  29. blog-left-sidebar.html (The blog left sidebar page)
  30. blog-right-sidebar.html (The blog right sidebar page)
  31. blog-full-width.html (The blog 2 full page) new v 2.5
  32. blog-2-left-sidebar.html (The blog 2 left sidebar page) new v 2.5
  33. blog-2-right-sidebar.html (The blog 2 right sidebar page) new v 2.5
  34. blog-2-full-width.html (The blog 2 full page) new v 2.5
  35. single-post-left-sidebar.html (The single blog left sidebar page)
  36. single-post-right-sidebar.html (The single blog right sidebar page)
  37. single-post-full-width.html (The single blog full page) new v 2.5
  38. page-full-width.html (The full page)
  39. page-left-sidebar.html (The left sidebar page)
  40. page-right-sidebar.html (The right sidebar page)
  41. login.html (The login page)
  42. register.html (The register page)
  43. faq.html (The faq page)
  44. contacts.html (The contacts page)
  45. about.html (The about page)
  46. 404.html (The 404 page)
  47. shortcodes.html (The shortcodes page)
  48. style.css (Main style css)


Recipes Food Template is well commented to easily understand, everypage has
  1. <head> area which contains the meta tags and css files
  2. <body> area which contains the site and divided into
  3. <header> with id "header" and includes menu, logo area
  4. <footer> with id "footer" includes all footer content .

CSS Structure

  1. style.css this the main style
  2. css/responsive.css
  3. css/base.css
  4. css/bootstrap.min.css
  5. css/loaded.css
  6. css/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css
  7. css/fontello/css/fontello.css
  8. css/elegant_font/elegant_font.min.css
  9. css/icomoon/icomoon.css




  1. font-awesome - Copyright font awesome.
  2. fontello - Copyright fontello.
  3. elegant_font - Copyright elegant font.
  4. icomoon - Copyright icomoon.
  5. jquery-2.2.4.min.js - jQuery function.
  6. bootstrap - Copyright 2013 Twitter
  7. jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js - jQuery ui function.
  8. jquery.easing.1.3.min.js - jQuery easing function.
  9. jquery.nicescroll.min.js - Copyright nicescroll.
  10. jquery.scrollTo.js - Copyright scrollTo.
  11. ResizeSensor.min.js - Copyright theia sticky sidebar.
  12. theia-sticky-sidebar.min.js - Copyright theia sticky sidebar.
  13. parallax.min.js - Copyright parallax.